Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 3

Today Greg and I over slept (we are still on Iowa time!) so we didn't have a lot of time to do any site seeing. We did a little shopping in the morning, went to lunch at McDonalds and then met a lady to take us to do our Medicals.

We met her at 12:30 at just got home at 5:30. We had to go to a private clinic where only government employees and retirees have privliges. We first stopped to have blood drawn, then had to have chest x-rays redone because they were in our checked luggage. Thanks again United..another $100.00. We then had to see a psychiatrist where they asked us few questions signed a sheet and were on our way. We then saw A Nurologist, pulmonologist,general doctor, infectionist, skin doctor, therapist and oncologist. Some just asked questions and some did actual physical exams. In the end we got all the signitures we needed to complete the adoption.
It has been a long day so we think we are going to grab some dinner at Hard Rock Cafe and somehow figure out how we are going to wake up on time in the morning to catch our flight(No alarm clock and our cell phones don't have signal). Hopefully we meet all our connections this time,without problem, like on the way here. And we hope our luggage somehow finds it way home.

It has been a very good and very successful trip - we are looking forward to being home.

Talk to everyone soon!

Greg and Stephanie
PS - We can't get the spell check to work so this is probably not good...fogive me!


Unknown said...

Good to see you guys are venturing out a bit to try out Russia with McDonalds and the Hard Rock. Glad to hear that the tests went well and that Greg didn't vomit on the nurse drawing blood. Have a safe trip home!

pickster said...

Kinnick will be happy to see you. The weather is going to be warmer when you get back. Safe travels!

Mom and Dad

Angela said...

Max looks like a very handsome and happy baby, can't wait to meet the little guy! I'll drive by your place tonight to see if your luggage magically appeared. Steph-did you answer all of the questions right this time? :) Talk to you both soon and safe traveling home!! Scott, Angela and Coy